
More About Tokul Creek Guitars

Music had always been a part of my life, from learning harmonies as a child singing with my parents; playing the trumpet from 5th grade to the end of high school; singing in a folk group in college; performing with my friend Mark Pearson since 1965; and from 2004 to present day, singing and playing with The Brothers Four, the folk group from the 60s.


Along the way I managed to spend 31 of those years teaching first grade.  It was during this time that I began writing curriculum songs for the first graders to sing throughout the year, culminating with a concert for the parents at the end of the year.  A number of my kids began playing the guitar in their elementary years, partly due to our singing on a daily basis.  Music is an incredible instructional tool!


Upon retiring from teaching in 2008, my playing time has been monopolized by the Brothers Four and playing in the worship band at Calvary Chapel Eastside.  I also was blessed to make two worship CDs of songs that I composed, Out of the Darkness and Because of One Man.


During these last few years, beginning when I was 66, I started developing a 20 year plan, or going until my hands quit working.  This plan was to build acoustic guitars and donate them to kids, pre-teens and teens, and young adults who have a passion for playing but affordability is not within their reach.  The first one is going to a young man in Belize.


It took a while, but I finally was approved as a non-profit corporation, and the dream is coming to fruition.


I would like to become a completely enclosed guitar shop. being able to make a guitar from start to finish with the tools at hand, and have a healthy inventory of materials in stock to keep the production continuous.


If you would like to make a tax deductible contribution, please link with the button above. All proceeds go to tools and materials.  If you aren’t able, would you possibly email me the name of an individual you believe would benefit from receiving a guitar.  I realize I probably will not be able to fill all requests, but, like I said earlier, I’ll keep building until my hands quit working.


Thanks and God Bless

Mike McCoy

Tokul Creek Guitars